#Lyon and healy harp trolleys full
My harp teacher had been urging me to connect with other harp students for months, but for a dyed-in-the-wool introvert with a full time office job whose harp practice was an excuse to take a break from people, connecting through music was an overwhelming prospect. Surrounded by pedal harpists (would a lever harp student fit in?). A harp event coming to Portland? Yes, please! I went online and registered with mild trepidation about being The golden ticket (read: flyer) to Harptacular 2018! As luck would have it, I received a flyer from Lyon & Healy in the mail. A lack of defined goals, a disorganized approach to practice, and isolation were the culprits, but I wouldn’t have been able to identify them as the problem if you had asked me. Although my enthusiasm had carried me through nearly two years of weekly lessons, around the two-year mark I began experiencing frequent bouts of frustration and the sense that I was spinning my wheels without making progress. I began taking harp lessons about two and a half years ago with the vague goal of learning to play, but the motivational power of that goal was rapidly losing steam. In September I had the exhilarating opportunity to attend the Lyon & Healy Harptacular event in Portland, and it couldn’t have come at a more perfect time. Lyon & Healy originally posted this photo on Facebook and I am sharing it here with their permission. Sasha Boldachev performs at the Lyon & Healy Harptacular event in Portland, OR in September 2018.